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About Me

Rami Aizic​

It seems to me, now that I stop and think about it, that I always wanted to be a dad. Ever since I was a little kid, stories about me being good with other kids, and then the caretaker of other kids, have been told. Once I became older, I babysat, worked at summer camps as a bunk counselor to younger kids than myself, taught school, and loved spending time with my cousins and friends. Children were always around me, even when I, myself, was a child.

When I decided to go back to school for my master’s degree in psychology, then, too, I was drawn to the study of Child Development as part of Human Development. Knowing and understanding how the child’s mind works has always fascinated me, and continues to do so. To me, it is the core of what makes us the adults we become.

Combining my early childhood history and my adult yearning to help people, being a psychotherapist focusing on families and children’s needs, and becoming a parent myself, made sense. Felt right.

Despite the fact that I had to leave one career to pursue another, and overcome the massive obstacle of being gay at a time when gay people, especially men, were not seen as suitable fathers, I had to figure a lot of things out. ‘Not knowing how’ was not the problem; it was the need for courage, determination and drive that I had to find. Which I did. Lots of ups, many more downs, but in the end, the journey was well worth it. I can now not only speak from experience, but truly understand the deeper inner workings of the mind, and help others with finding their truest goals, and ways in which to pursue them.

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